Primary component used on AITrafficCar prefabs, controlled by the AITrafficController.
Variables | |
assignedIndex | AITrafficController array index, assigned when car is registered. |
accelerationPower | Amount of torque that is passed to car Wheel Colliders when not braking. |
minDrag | Minimum amount of drag applied to car Rigidbody when not braking. |
minAngularDrag | Minimum amount of angular drag applied to car Rigidbody when not braking. |
frontSensorSize | Size of the front detection sensor BoxCast. |
frontSensorLength | Length of the front detection sensor BoxCast. |
sideSensorSize | Size of the side detection sensor BoxCasts. |
sideSensorLength | Length of the side detection sensor BoxCasts. |
vehicleType | Vehicles will only spawn, and merge onto routes with matching vehicle types. |
goToStartOnStop | Respawn the car to the first route point on it's spawn route when the car comes to a stop. |
topSpeed | Car max speed, assigned to AITrafficController when car is registered. |
brakeMaterial | Material used for brake light emission. If unassigned, the material assigned to the brakeMaterialMesh will be used. |
brakeMaterialMesh | If brakeMaterial is unassigned, the material assigned to the brakeMaterialIndex will be used. |
brakeMaterialIndex | Mesh Renderer material array index to get brakeMaterial from. |
frontSensorTransform | Control point to orient/position the front detection sensor. |
leftSensorTransform | Control point to orient/position the left detection sensor. |
rightSensorTransform | Control point to orient/position the right detection sensor. |
headLight | Light toggled on/off based on pooling cullHeadLight zone. |
wheels | References to car wheel mesh object, transform, and collider. |
Public Methods | |
AccelerationInput | Returns current acceleration input as a float 0-1. |
SteeringInput | Returns current steering input as a float -1 to 1. |
CurrentSpeed | Returns current speed as a float. |
IsBraking | Returns current breaking input state as a bool. |
IsLeftSensor | Returns true if left sensor is triggered. |
IsRightSensor | Returns true if right sensor is triggered. |
IsFrontSensor | Returns true if front sensor is triggered. |
SetTopSpeed(float) | Updates the AITrafficController top speed value for this AITrafficCar. |
SetForceLaneChange(bool) | Controls an override flag that requests the car to attempt a lane change when able. |
StartDriving | The AITrafficCar will start driving. |
StopDriving | The AITrafficCar will stop driving. |
MoveCarToPool | Disables the AITrafficCar and returns it to the AITrafficController pool |
DisableAIProcessing | Stop the AITrafficController from processing component updates on the AITrafficCar and its components. |
EnableAIProcessing | Resume AITrafficController processing component updates on the AITrafficCar and its components. |
RegisterCar | Registers the AITrafficCar with the AITrafficController for processing. |
Last updated